Practice Areas

Practicing in Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

Worker’s Compensation Defense

Representing area self-insureds and major insurance companies, Heckler & Frabizzio receives new case assignments daily which are assigned to three or four-person teams for handling. In most cases, a new matter is overseen by a firm partner who receives assistance from an associate and paralegal. These “teams” complement each other as job responsibilities are clearly defined within the organization. Ultimate responsibility for each matter rests with the assigned partner.

Liability Defense and General Litigation

This practice group consists of many case types such as automobile liability, property liability, professional liability, toxic tort, mass tort, asbestos, and medical malpractice. These cases are opened, assigned and overseen by a firm partner. New case assignments are immediately acknowledged, with prompt clear lines of communication established with the insured and client to facilitate thorough reporting and efficient case handling, evaluation, and, if appropriate, early resolution.

Employment Law/Contractors Group

Employment Law/Contractors Group – The Employment and Contractors Law Group serves area businesses and employers providing employment law, contract law, and litigation services. We offer quality representation at a reasonable cost. We are a local firm active in the Delaware Chapter of the Association of Builders and Contractors (ABC) and the Delaware Contractors Association (DCA).